❤️ Health#
: Management by scoreboard of the life of an entity.
Safe kill#
: Allows to cleanly delete an entity. This function erases the scores of the entity and teleports it to layer 0 before killing it.
Players cannot be killed
Entities with the tag
cannot be killedIt is recommended to put the
tag to all decorative entities (arrays, item frames etc …)
Kill all zombies:
# Once
execute as @e[type=zombie] run function glib.health:safe_kill
Time to live#
: Allows to define the time of life of the entities.
By default, this time is 10 seconds (= 200 ticks)
The entity will live before being applied the end of life action (default: function glib.health:safe_kill).
Before being applied the end of life action, the entity will receive the tag
during 1 tickYou can change each of the default values by opening the file and going to the “CONFIG” section.
Give the Creepers a 10 second life time:
# At each tick
execute as @e[type=creeper] run function glib.health:time_to_live
Give a time to live of 20 seconds to the Cow:
# At least once
scoreboard players set @e[type=cow,tag=glib.ttl.default] glib.ttl 400
# At each tick
execute as @e[type=cow] run function glib:time_to_live
Give an explosion effect to Creepers at the end of their life
# At each tick
execute as @e[type=creeper] run function glib.health:time_to_live
execute as @e[tag=glib.ttl.timeOut] at @s run playsound minecraft:entity.generic.explode master @a
execute as @e[tag=glib.ttl.timeOut] at @s run article minecraft:explosion_emitter ~ ~ ~
Warning: if the TTL function is called twice on the same entity, its
lifetime will decrease twice as fast.