➡️ Vector#


Vectors are fundamental and incredibly powerful tools to manage motions, forces and… well… do physics!

../_images/vector-light.png ../_images/vector-dark.png

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“With vectors, physics has found a magnificent language.”

—Richard Feynman

🔧 Functions#

You can find below all functions available in this module.

Absolute Max#


Get the number furthest to zero, regardless of sign.


Scores $vector.abs_max.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.


Return | Score $vector.abs_max bs.out: Component with the value furthest from 0.

I want to get the max component of the vector (1000, 2000, 3000):

# Define the vector
scoreboard players set $vector.abs_max.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.abs_max.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.abs_max.2 bs.in 3000

# Get the max component
function #bs.vector:abs_max

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":" Max component: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.abs_max","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome, Leirof

Absolute Min#


Get the number closest to zero, regardless of sign.


Scores $vector.abs_min.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.


Return | Score $vector.abs_min bs.out: Component with the value closest to 0.

I want to get the min component of the vector (1000, 2000, 3000):

# Define the vector
scoreboard players set $vector.abs_min.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.abs_min.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.abs_min.2 bs.in 3000

# Get the min component
function #bs.vector:abs_min

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":" Min component: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.abs_min","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome

Basis Rotation 3D#

#bs.vector:basis_rot_3d {scaling:<value>}

Get the equivalent of the vector passed in parameter in a base with a different rotation. Useful to convert absolute/relative positions into local positions.


Scores $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector coordinates \(=(X,Y,Z)\) in the starting base.

Scores $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.[0,1] bs.in: Horizontal angle \(=\phi\) (along \(=\hat{y}\)) and vertical angle \(=\theta\) (along \(=\hat{\phi}\)) rotation (in degree) from the starting base.

Function macro:

  • Arguments
    • scaling: Scalar for the function’s input and output.

Scores $vector.basis_rot_3d.[0,1,2] bs.out: Vector coordinates \(=(X',Y',Z')\) in the target base.

Basis System

This system uses the Minecraft coordinate system. Thus:

  • \(\hat{y}\) is the vertical axis.

  • \(\phi=0\) (starting point of the horizontal angle) is along the \(\hat{z}\) axis.

  • \(\theta=0\) (starting point of the vertical angle) is on the horizontal plane.

A block is in ~2 ~5 ~10 from me, I want to have this position in local coordinate (^? ^? ^?):

# One time

# Relative coordinates (we multiply by 1000 to have more precision on the result, which will also be multiplied by 1000)
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.0 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.1 bs.in 5000
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.2 bs.in 10000

# Difference between my rotation (= that of the coondata grid ^X ^Y ^Z) and the rotation of the Minecraft blocks grid (~X ~Y ~Z)
function #bs.position:get_rot {scale:1000}
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.0 bs.in = @s bs.rot.h
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.1 bs.in = @s bs.rot.v

# Perform the basic rotation
function #bs.vector:basis_rot_3d {scaling:1000}

# See the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "X = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.0", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":", Y = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.1", "objective": "bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", Z = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

I want to have a vector pointing to where I’m looking at, but in relative coordinates ~X ~Y ~Z:

# Once

# Retrieve a vector ^ ^ ^1 corresponding to a vector directed according to the orientation of the entity (we multiply by 1000 to have more precision on the result, which will also be multiplied by 1000)
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.0 bs.in 0
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.1 bs.in 0
scoreboard players set $vector.basis_rot_3d.pos.2 bs.in 1000

# Get the orientation
function #bs.position:get_rot {scale:1000}
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.0 bs.in = @s bs.rot.h
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.1 bs.in = @s bs.rot.v

# Reversal of the orientation since we want to have the relative orientation of the game grid compared to the orientation of the player (unlike the previous example)
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.0 bs.in *= -1 bs.const
scoreboard players operation $vector.basis_rot_3d.rot.1 bs.in *= -1 bs.const

# Perform the basic rotation
function #bs.vector:basis_rot_3d {scaling:1000}

# See the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "X = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.0", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":", Y = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.1", "objective": "bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", Z = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.basis_rot_3d.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome, Leirof

Cartesian to Spherical#

#bs.vector:cartesian_to_spherical {scaling:<value>}

Convert cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates.


Scores $vector.cartesian_to_spherical.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector representing the cartesian coordinates \(=(X,Y,Z)\).

Function macro:

  • Arguments
    • scaling: Scalar for the function’s input and output.

Scores $vector.cartesian_to_spherical.[0,1,2] bs.out: Vector representing the spherical coordinates \(=(H,V,R)\).

Spherical Coordinates

This system returns non conventional spherical coordinates.

  • \(H\) (horizontal angle) is along the \(\hat{z}\) axis.

  • \(V\) (vertical angle) is on the horizontal plane.

  • \(R\) is the radial distance.

I want to convert the vector (1000, 2000, 3000) to spherical coordinates:

# Define the vector
scoreboard players set $vector.cartesian_to_spherical.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.cartesian_to_spherical.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.cartesian_to_spherical.2 bs.in 3000

# Perform the conversion
function #bs.vector:cartesian_to_spherical {scaling:1000}

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"Spherical coordinates: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.cartesian_to_spherical.0","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":"°, ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.cartesian_to_spherical.1","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":"°, ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.cartesian_to_spherical.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome

Cross Product#

#bs.vector:cross_product {scaling:<value>}

Compute the vector product between \(u\) and \(v\).


Scores $vector.cross_product.u.[0,1,2] bs.in: First vector components.

Scores $vector.cross_product.v.[0,1,2] bs.in: Second vector components.

Function macro:

  • Arguments
    • scaling: Scalar for the function’s input and output.

Scores $vector.cross_product.[0,1,2] bs.out: Result of the operation \(=u \times v\).

I want to perform \(u \times v\) with \(u=(1,2,3)\) and \(v=(4,5,6)\):

# Define the vectors
scoreboard players set $vector.cross_product.u.0 bs.in 100
scoreboard players set $vector.cross_product.u.1 bs.in 200
scoreboard players set $vector.cross_product.u.2 bs.in 300

scoreboard players set $vector.cross_product.v.0 bs.in 400
scoreboard players set $vector.cross_product.v.1 bs.in 500
scoreboard players set $vector.cross_product.v.2 bs.in 600

# Perform the operation
function #bs.vector:cross_product {scaling:100}

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"Cross product: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.cross_product.0","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.cross_product.1","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.cross_product.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome, Majoras16

Dot Product#

#bs.vector:dot_product {scaling:<value>}

Compute the scalar product between \(u\) and \(v\).


Scores $vector.dot_product.u.[0,1,2] bs.in: First vector components.

Scores $vector.dot_product.v.[0,1,2] bs.in: Second vector components.

Function macro:

  • Arguments
    • scaling: Scalar for the function’s input and output.

Scores $vector.dot_product bs.out: Result of the operation \(=u · v\).

I want to perform \(u \cdot v\) with \(u=(1,2,3)\) and \(v=(4,5,6)\):

# Define the vectors
scoreboard players set $vector.dot_product.u.0 bs.in 100
scoreboard players set $vector.dot_product.u.1 bs.in 200
scoreboard players set $vector.dot_product.u.2 bs.in 300

scoreboard players set $vector.dot_product.v.0 bs.in 400
scoreboard players set $vector.dot_product.v.1 bs.in 500
scoreboard players set $vector.dot_product.v.2 bs.in 600

# Perform the operation
function #bs.vector:dot_product {scaling:100}

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"Dot product: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.dot_product","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome, Majoras16



Compute the norm of the vector.


Scores $vector.length.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.


Return | Score $vector.length bs.out: Vector length.

Compute the length of a vector:

scoreboard players set $vector.length.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.length.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.length.2 bs.in 3000

function #bs.vector:length

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":" Vector length: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.length","objective":"bs.out"}}]

Performance Tip

If you want to minimize the performance impact, we recomande you to use the length_squared function instead of this one when it’s possible. In fact, computing the length of a vector requires to perform square root operation which is not a simple task for a computer, especially in Minecraft.

length_squared can often be used in the following cases:

  • You want to compare the length with a given one, then compute manually the square of the given value and compare it with the result of length_squared, which is faster than computing the real length.

  • You want to compare a vector length with another one, then you can compare the result of length_squared instead of computing the real length of both vectors.

#bs.vector:length_squared {scaling:<value>}

Compute the squared norm of the vector.


Scores $vector.length_squared.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.

Function macro:

  • Arguments
    • scaling: Scalar for the function’s input and output.

Return | Score $vector.length_squared bs.out: Vector length squared.

Compute the squared length of a vector:

scoreboard players set $vector.length_squared.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.length_squared.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.length_squared.2 bs.in 3000

function #bs.vector:length_squared

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":" Vector length squared: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.length_squared","objective":"bs.out"}}]

Credits: Aksiome, Leirof


#bs.vector:normalize {scale:<scaling>}

Normalize the vector by putting the length at the given scale while keeping proportions.


Scores $vector.normalize.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.

Function macro:

  • Arguments
    • scale: Scalar for the function’s output.

Scores $vector.normalize.[0,1,2] bs.out: Normalized vector components.

Performance Tip

A vector doesn’t always need to be normalized by its length. Often, the normalize_max_component function can be used instead. While this method doesn’t normalize the length, it simplifies some operations and enhances performance.

Normalize the vector (1000, 2000, 3000) with a scale of 1000:

# Define the vector
scoreboard players set $vector.normalize.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.normalize.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.normalize.2 bs.in 3000

# Perform the normalization
function #bs.vector:normalize {scale:1000}

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"Normalized vector: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.normalize.0","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.normalize.1","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.normalize.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]
#bs.vector:normalize_max_component {scale:<scaling>}

Normalize the vector by placing the largest component at the given scale while keeping proportions.


Scores $vector.normalize_max_component.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector components.

Function macro:

  • Arguments
    • scale: Scalar for the function’s output.

Scores $vector.normalize_max_component.[0,1,2] bs.out: Normalized vector components.

Score $vector.normalize_max_component.factor bs.out: Normalization factor.

Fast normalize the vector (1000, 2000, 3000) with a scale of 1000:

# Define the vector
scoreboard players set $vector.fast_normalize.0 bs.in 1000
scoreboard players set $vector.fast_normalize.1 bs.in 2000
scoreboard players set $vector.fast_normalize.2 bs.in 3000

# Perform the fast normalization
function #bs.vector:fast_normalize {scale:1000}

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"Normalized vector: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.fast_normalize.0","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.fast_normalize.1","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.fast_normalize.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome, Leirof

Spherical to Cartesian#

#bs.vector:spherical_to_cartesian {scaling:<value>}

Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates.


Scores $vector.spherical_to_cartesian.[0,1,2] bs.in: Vector representing the spherical coordinates \(=(H,V,R)\).

Function macro:

  • Arguments
    • scaling: Scalar for the function’s input and output.

Scores $vector.spherical_to_cartesian.[0,1,2] bs.out: Vector representing the cartesian coordinates \(=(X,Y,Z)\).

Spherical Coordinates

This system uses non conventional spherical coordinates.

  • \(H\) (horizontal angle) is along the \(\hat{z}\) axis.

  • \(V\) (vertical angle) is on the horizontal plane.

  • \(R\) is the radial distance.

I want to convert the spherical coordinates \((45°, 30°, 1)\) to cartesian coordinates:

# Define the spherical coordinates
scoreboard players set $vector.spherical_to_cartesian.0 bs.in 45000
scoreboard players set $vector.spherical_to_cartesian.1 bs.in 30000
scoreboard players set $vector.spherical_to_cartesian.2 bs.in 1000

# Perform the conversion
function #bs.vector:spherical_to_cartesian {scaling:1000}

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"Cartesian coordinates: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.spherical_to_cartesian.0","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.spherical_to_cartesian.1","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", ","color":"gold"},{"score":{"name":"$vector.spherical_to_cartesian.2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}]

Credits: Aksiome

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