πŸ”§ Guides & Tools#

Map making is an aspect of Minecraft that becomes increasingly difficult with each new version of the game. To help beginner (and even advanced) map makers, the community provides numerous guides and tools. This page listes some of them.

πŸ“š Guides & Documentation#

πŸ“˜ Convention

Smithed’s convention to keep datapacks compatible together.

πŸ“— Le guide du Map Making

This french guide presents the MCFunction part of Minecraft as well as good development practices.

πŸ“• Minecraft Wiki

Minecraft Wiki is the most updated and used documentation for Minecraft map making. The Wiki also proposes some tutorials about creating different aspects of a datapack such as adding a new dimension or a new armor trim.

πŸ“Ή slicedlime

A youtuber and developer of Mojang who presents the technical features in video at each new snapshot.


πŸ› οΈ External Tools#

🎬 Animated java

Animated Java is a plugin for Blockbench that allows you to create custom animations and models for Vanilla Minecraft. It uses the power of Java Edition’s Data Pack and Resource Pack systems to bring your creations to life!

πŸ”¨ Data-pack Helper Plus

Data-pack Helper Plus is a VSCode plugin that can provide many heavy language features for documents in your datapack, including advancements, dimensions, dimension types, functions, loot tables, predicates, recipes, all kinds of tags, and worldgen settings.

πŸ”¨ MCStacker

MCStacker is a classic generator for many commands of the game such as: give, summon, data, fill…

⛏️ Minecraft JSON

Minecraft JSON is a website to generate JSON text component for all targets supporting this format (sign, tellraw, item name…).

πŸͺ› Misode

The Misode’s website proposes many tools to generate aspects of the map making such as: loot tables, predicates, recipes, block display transformation…

πŸ”§ NBT Viewer

VSCode extension to view Minecraft NBT files. For structure files, this shows a 3D block view.


πŸ“¦ Mods and Datapacks#

πŸ’‘ Better Suggestion

Makes Minecraft command suggestions more useful.

πŸŸ₯ Carpet

Carpet is a mod for vanilla Minecraft that allows you to take full control of what matters from a technical perspective of the game.

🌍 Language Reload

Language Reload is a Fabric mod that adds quality of life changes related to languages. Useful for resource pack makers.

πŸ’¬ More Chat History

Increases the maximum length of chat history.

πŸ”Ž NBT Autocomplete

NBT Autocomplete is a client-side mod adding suggestions for NBT tags in commands.

πŸ“ˆ Performance Tool

This is a datapack to mesure performance of other datapacks or commands directly in game.

πŸ”§ Suggestion Tweaker

A mod that improves the way suggestions are filtered and sorted when writing a command.
